Professor of Imaging Chemistry
Phil is a Professor of Imaging Chemistry and the Head of the department of Imaging Chemistry and Biology (ICaB) at King's College London. Phil will lead the management and delivery of the programme along with the work package that focuses on radionuclide production.
Prof. Phil Blower
Senior Lecturer in Cardiac Molecular Imaging
Senior Lecturer in Chemistry
Prof. Tony Gee
Professor of PET Chemistry
Tony is the Head of PET radiochemistry at KCL and is the deputy PI for this programme. He is also leading the work package for the development of new organic radiopharmaceuticals in addition to supporting radionuclide production.
Prof. Gill Reid
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Gill is the Head of Chemistry at the university of Southampton and is leading the development of F-18 chemistry in addition to overseeing outreach and public engagement activities.
Dr. Michelle Ma
Michelle is leading the team at KCL for the development of radiometal chelators for fast, efficient biofunctionalisation, incorporating bioconjugates.
Lecturer in Imaging Chemistry
Dr. Samantha Terry
Samantha is supporting radiobiological evaluation of imaging and therapeutic radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals. She is also leading the public engagement activities.
Lecturer in Radiobiology
Gilbert is interested in advancing molecular imaging methods for treating cancer cell metastasis. He is supporting in vivo cell tracking and validation to develop new novel cancer tracers.
Senior Lecturer in Imaging Biology
Dr. Gilbert Fruhwirth
Dr. Graeme Stasiuk
Senior Lecturer in Molecular Imaging
Graeme is interested in developing multimodal contrast agents to monitor diseases along with cellular processes using various imaging techniques.
Senior Lecturer in Imaging Chemistry
Dr. Rafael T. M. de Rosales
Rafa is interested in developing PET imaging tools with innovative therapeutic modalities and is leading the development of nanomedicines and cell tracking studies.
Prof. Tony Ng
Professor of Molecular Oncology
Tony is the Joint Head of School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences/Richard Dimbleby Professor of Cancer Research at KCL and Professor of Molecular Oncology at UCL Cancer Institute. He will be advising on the evaluation of tracers for biological applications.
Dr. Richard Southworth
Richard is supporting the ex vivo and in vivo validation of novel radiotracers, assessing translational potential. He is particularly interested in imaging agents for cardiac studies.
Prof. Andrew Reader
Professor of Imaging Sciences
Andrew is supporting the development of multiplexed direct 4D PET image reconstructution and multi-parametric mapping via deep artificial neural networks for signal separation.
Dr. Lefteris Livieratos
Reader in Medical Physics
Lefteris is a clinical Scientist at Guy's & St Thomas' with extensive experience in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. He is interested in multi-modality imaging, tracer kinetics and dosimetry and will be supporting the preclinical translation of radiopharmaceuticals.
Clinical Senior Lecturer
Dr. Malene Fischer
Malene is a consultant in nuclear medicine and is interested in implementing hybrid imaging, PET/CT and PET/MR for diagnosing and treating patients with cancer. She will be supporting with clinical translation of radionuclides and therapies.
Prof. Nicholas Long
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Nick is the Head of the Catalysis, Sustainability and Applied Inorganics section at Imperial College London. He is leading the development of chelate chemistry for radiometals.
Prof. Sally Barrington
Professor of PET imaging and NIHR research Professor
Sally is leading the clinical translation of novel PET tracers. Her clinical experience encompasses all aspects of PET-CT including oncology, neurology, cardiology and infection/inflammation using a variety of tracers.
Dr. Phil Miller
Phil is based at Imperial College London and is supporting the development of technologies for reactions with short-lived PET isotopes.
Prof. Paul Marsden
Professor of PET Physics
Paul is the director of PET medical physics at the KCL PET Centre and the joint lead for the UK-PET Core Lab. He is supporting the translational work; offering expertise in PET targetry, scanner design and data analysis.
Dr. Ran Yan
Ran is interested in developing novel multicomponent radiochemistry, and will is involved with the development of organic radionuclides for novel multicomponent radiochemistry
Lecturer in Radiochemistry
Dr. Tim Witney
Sir Henry Dale Fellow and Honorary Senior Lecturer
Tim is interested in the design and development of new positron emission tomography (PET) methods to image tumour biochemistry in vivo. His work will support the preclinical validation of radionuclides and therapies.

Dr. Peter Gawne
Nanomedicine PDRA
Peter did his PhD as part of the Medical Imaging CDT where he synthesised novel radiotracers for cell and liposome PET imaging. He is a keen advocate of public engagement activities and is a PE ambassador for the School.

Dr. Zilin Yu
Radionuclide Production PDRA
Zilin's expertise lies in developing protocols for the production and translation of radiometals and radiometal-based pharmaceuticals for clinical study.

Dr. Karin Nielsen
Radionuclide Production PDRA
Karin is experienced in radionuclide production with advanced knowledge in medical cyclotron maintenance and targetry development. She has previously worked at PET-centres and nuclear research facilities in Denmark and has joined KCL as PDRA in 2020.

Biological Validation PDRA
Dr. Ed Waters
Ed's interests lie in developing novel PET probes for imaging cardiac oxidative stress. He recently completed a year's fellowship funded by the Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering for work in this area.

Dr. Steven Kealey
Organic Radiochemistry PDRA
Steven has expertise in designing novel radiolabelling techniques and working with short-lived radionuclides.

Danielle Smith
Danielle completed her Ph.D in coordination chemistry of transition metals and materials chemistry. Continuing work with transition metals she joined the programme, based at the University of Southampton in 2020.
Chelator Chemistry PDRA
Dr. Charlotte Rivas
Charlotte has extensive research experience developing chemistry relating to a wide range of imaging modalities. She joined the department at KCL in 2018 working on macrocyclic ligand development for radiometal chelation.
Chelator Chemistry PDRA
Dr. Angelo Frei
Angelo is an inorganic chemist with experience in chelator synthesis. He has worked extensively with technetium during his PhD and has joined Imperial College as a PDRA in 2020.

Dr. Kasia Procyk
Research Project Manager
Kasia has a background in cancer cell biology and metabolism research, with a PhD in Cell Biology and Microbiology.
She is supporting the overall management of the programme.

Deanne Naula
Community Engagement Officer
Deanne is the Community Engagement Officer at the Wellcome EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering (CME) and MITHRAS programme team. Deanne is supporting the community engagement activities and creating partnerships with local community groups in Lambeth and Southwark to help shape our research.

David Thakor
School Technical Officer
David is joined the Imaging Sciences department at KCL in 2008 after 13 years at GlaxoSmithKline. He is the Laboratory Manager for the School as well as a Radiation Supervisor and Safety Officer, overseeing the running of over 20 labs with 130+ users.

Research Project Manager
Dr. Bernice Akpinar
Bernice has a background in research with a PhD in Biophysics and the Life Sciences from Imperial College and supported the overall management of the programme (2019-2022).

Dr. Maxwell Handley
Senior Technical Officer
Max has joined the technical support team at King's, having over 15 years of experience in the field of Molecular Imaging, working with a range of PET and SPECT radionuclides.
The MITHRAS team have established an independent external advisory board who provide support, advice and guidance to the research team.
Prof. Rod Hicks – Nuclear Medicine, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia
Prof. Simon Cherry – Medical Physics/PET MR, UCDavis, USA
Dr. Phil Murphy – Imaging lead, GSK, UK
Prof. Franklin Aigbirhio – Radiochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Kate Vallis - Radiotherapeutics & radioimaging, University of Oxford, UK